League Starting Dates
We offer 4 Seasons a year for both Volleyball & Basketball.
VOLLEYBALL: Summer Volleyball League starts Mid July.
Fall Volleyball end of Sept.
Winter Volleyball early January.
Spring Volleyball April.
BASKETBALL: Summer Basketball starts June. Fall Basketball early Sept. Winter Basketball December, Spring Basketball April.
Pickleball Open Play Indoors at Brandeis on Sundays and Midweek Evenings.
Indoor Soccer League is on hold until more gym space becomes available.Basketball Leagues: Fall, Spring & Summer have 8 Regular Season Games plus Divisional Playoffs. Run the table and you could play up to 10 full, 48 minute, Professionally Refereed games. Also, New Teams are entitled to a Scrimmage.
Winter Basketball League has 10 Regular Season Games plus Divisional & Inter-Div Playoffs. Run the table and you could play up to 14 full, 48 minute, Professionally Refereed games. Also, New Teams are entitled to a Scrimmage.
Volleyball Leagues: Fall, Winter & Spring have 10 Regular season Matches (3 games per Match) plus Divisional and Inter-Div. Playoffs. Run the table and you could play up to 14 full Professionally Refereed Matches. New Teams are entitled to a Scrimmage.
Summer Volleyball League has 8 Regular season Matches (3 games per Match) plus Divisional and Inter-Div. Playoffs. Run the table and you could play up to 12 full Professionally Refereed Matches. New Teams are entitled to a Scrimmage.
Winter Soccer League is on hold until more gym space reopens. It normally has 10 Regular season Matches plus Divisional Playoffs. Run the table and you could play up to 12 full Professionally refereed matches. Teams are entitled to a scrimmage.
Indoor Pickleball League has 8 Regular season Matches plus Divisional Playoffs. Run the table and you could play up to 10 matches. Teams are entitled to a scrimmage. *Currently on hold**
In Basketball we can have as many as 30 men's divisions and 4 women's divisions.
In Volleyball about 20 coed, 5 women's and 4 men's divisions.
In Indoor Soccer we will have three divisions this Winter
Each division is slightly better than one below it.
All New Basketball & Volleyball teams are entitled to a scrimmage.
In Indoor Soccer every team gets a scrimmage.
Between scrimmages, past performance in the league and discussions with your team captain we do a great job of placing you where you belong.
Our NYC Volleyball League
plays at the following locations:
Most Games are played at:
JOHN JAY COLLEGE...59th & 10th Ave
LAGUARDIA HS...65th st and Amsterdam
O'SHEA J.H.S...77th & Columbus
HUNTER COLLEGE H.S...94th & Park Ave
We also play at:
HUNTER COLLEGE...68th & Lexington
BARUCH SIMON JHS....21st & 1st Ave
CHELSEA SCHOOL...27TH ST and 9th Avenue.
District 2 PreK...E. 76th bet 1st & 2nd
plays at the following locations.
JOHN JAY COLLEGE...59th & 10th Ave
JULIA RICHMAN HS...68th & 2nd Ave.
BARUCH SIMON JHS....21st & 1st Ave
HUNTER COLLEGE...68th & Lexington
HUNTER COLLEGE H.S...94th & Park Ave
AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE...23rd Bet. 2nd & 3rd Aves.
ELIAS HOWE School...44th & 10th Ave
LAGUARDIA HS...65th st and Amsterdam
NORMAN THOMAS H.S...33rd & Park Ave
O'SHEA J.H.S...77th & Columbus
BEACON H.S...44th street and 10th Avenue
SEWARD PARK H.S...Essex and Grand Avenue
ROBERT SIMON JHS....5th St and Avenue B
HIGH SCHOOL OF GRAPHICS...W 49th bet 9th & 10th
Sure! You can still join any of our Leagues
if you don't have a team. Lots of people do.
Thirty-six years ago, before most of you were born, we invented the Open Scrimmage just for people like yourself. We get a big turnout at the Open Scrimmage. Show up and you will meet other players also looking to get on a team. We will get you going. Go to our main page for more information on our Volleyball, Basketball and Soccer Open Scrimmages
If you have a friend that wants to play, bring them along too. We will make sure that you play on the same team.Just come to the Open Scrimmage and pick up some extra players.
However, partial teams need to notify us in advance that they are coming.
Just give us a call at 212 877 3614
The best way to get on a team is to attend the Open Scrimmage. However, if you can't make it fill out our Free Agent form and we will try to hook you up with any teams looking for an extra player.
If you sign up and pay for tan Open Scrimmage in advance and can't make it we will refund your money.
Everyone has to pay for the Open Scrimmage either in advance online.
If for some reason at the Open Scrimmage you decide not to play or if you sign up online and can't make the open scrimmage, no worries, we will happily refund your money.
Teams formed at the Open Scrimmage have 10 players. All players who join at the Open Scrimmage are entitled to play at least half the game.
For administrative purposes, each team formed at the Open Scrimmage needs to select a captain. However, he or she is no more important than anyone else on the team. All players have an equal voice on Open Scrimmage teams.
The cost to play in our all our Basketball leagues includes 10 t-shirts.
Additional shirts are available at $8.50 each.
(All XXl or XXXL shirts are an extra $2.00/$4.00 each.)
Reversible Mesh Tank Tops are also available as an option.
We are not giving out t-shirts this season in volleyball.
The cost to play in our Winter Soccer league includes 10 t-shirts.
We do not give out t-shirts for Pickleball
Absolutely! There are no hidden costs.
Basketball also includes a Trained Scorekeeper.
Pickleball has a Moderator not a referee.
To Blow Up Basketballs, Volleyballs and Soccer balls of Course!